Warm Remedy products have been carefully designed and created, to help those suffering from Mental Health conditions such as Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, PTSD, and many other Mental Health conditions.  They are all made using the maximum amount of fragrant scent oils, to wax ratio permitted, producing an instant calming & relaxing beautiful aroma, that lasts for many hours...

Our range of products has been carefully designed and created following extensive study and research carried out over several years.  The recommended blends of Fragrant Scent Oils we have carefully designed and created, are for the conditions listed and were found to have greatly helped those suffering from the associated conditions, by reducing anxiety levels and creating a calming & relaxing atmosphere...

We have managed to source the best natural ingredients, at the lowest prices possible, this is reflected in our prices... 

Our prices are as follows:..

£9.50 Each

Wax Melts...
£2.95 Each

Vacuum Freshener Discs (Pkt 5)...


Many more people are suffering from Depression due to the pressures of living in a more hectic society.  Medications are available for Depression from your Doctor but taking Antidepressants is often not a solution on their own.  Some may need further help from the Doctor or another organisation and it is essential to seek further help and talk with someone if needed...

Therapy Range

(See below for details about this range of products)



Geranium Oil is a beautiful sweet floral fragrance that's excellent at lifting one's spirits and balancing emotions.  Cedarwood is perfect for producing mental relaxation, making it easier for the body to breathe.   The combination and blending of these 2 fragrances make them perfect for treating those who suffer from Anxiety...

This candle is slightly Musky but has a beautiful Floral Aroma...


Bergamot is known as the Prince of Citrus.  Bergamot is considered to have many uses, it is great at lowering Cholesterol, and other fats in the blood.  It too can be used for Anxiety but when blended with Lime oil, it's perfect for grounding the mind, causing calmness and relaxation.  Perfect for those who suffer from Bipolar... 

This candle makes a beautiful Floral & Citrus smell, of fresh Limes, and has a fresh & relaxing Aroma...


Ylang Ylang oil relieves feelings of Anxiety and Fear, which gives individuals a sense of Isolation, which is one of the main causes of Depression.  With the added addition of Garden Rose oils, it produces a wonderful sweet floral aroma making those suffering from depression in a much more comfortable environment...

It produces a Floral, Sweet Banana & Bitter Neroli Aroma..,

Dissociative Disorders

"Some therapists may recommend using citrus oils and peppermint to help with grounding, but the primary fragrance for grounding is rosemary. When blended with tea tree and jasmine, rosemary can help individuals feel grounded and secure, making it perfect for Dissociative Disorders..."

This candle produces a Sweet Forest Pine Tree Aroma...


Chamomile oil and drinking chamomile tea are believed to help calm individuals with ADHD quickly. When chamomile is blended with the oil from Rustic Apples, it's believed to help individuals rapidly calm down, and reduce the levels of aggression that are associated with ADHD...

This candle produces a Fruity, Sweet Floral scented Aroma...


For years, people have been using natural oils to help their body and mind.  Frankincense has been used as a base oil to aid the mind, and when blended with Chamomile & Sandalwood Fragrances, it has been widely known to improve symptoms of the mental health condition of PTSD... 

This candle has a Balsamic Wood Aroma...


Clary Sage & Peppermint are known to help clear the mind and help those with Schizophrenia.  Some therapists will use Smelling Salts to help, but they are considered too strong...

This candle has a Fresh Herb & Mint Aroma...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD is a Mental Health condition causing recurring thoughts.  Using Eucalyptus & Lemongrass assists with breathing and reduces stress levels, which helps individuals to forget recurring thoughts...

This candle produces a Honey & Citrus Lemon Aroma...


Eating Disorders

The sweet Aroma of Cinnamon makes individuals hungry and is used to entice shoppers into stores throughout the world.  With the addition of Patchouli Oil it is known to make individuals want more of a good thing...

This candle provides a beautiful Sweet Earthy Aroma...

Addictions & Substance Abuse

Individuals who suffer from Addictions & Substance Abuse often have their mind set on one thing and that is trying to feed their needs.  The sweet smell of Lavender together with the sharpness of Grapefruit, can take steer an individual's mind away from their addictions...

This candle produces a beautiful Floral Citric Aroma...

Warm Remedy
Wax Melts

Warm Remedy Wax Melts

We produce packets of Wax Melts for all Fragrances, they are all made with exactly the same strength as our Therapy & Bespoke range of Candles. If you prefer a fragrance that is not listed on our website, please get in touch by sending us the contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible...

Bespoke Range Of Candles & Wax Melts

We make a wonderful range of Bespoke Candles & Wax Melts with fragrances requested by our customers.  We have listed 4 beautiful fragrances in our shop.  They are all made with the maximum amount of fragrance oils making them as strong as they can be...
Bespoke Range

Our Bespoke range of Candles & Wax Melts has been designed and created using our best and most popular choices of scent oils that our customers have selected.  These too are made with the maximum amount of Fragrant Scent Oils, which makes them as strong as they possibly can be...

Warm Romance
Fresh Linen
Coconut & Vanilla
Spring Roses